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Abstract Background
Abstract Background

Patricia Gallaway, PhD, MSc.
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Metaphysical Sciences
Spiritual Counselor

     Patti Gallaway received her PhD in Clinical Hypnotherapy from The American Institute of Hypnotherapy in Santa Ana CA.  She began her private practice in Beverly Hills CA where she founded HypnoDynamics, Inc., a private hypnotherapy training school, teaching hypnosis techniques to healthcare professionals and providing training and credentials for hypnotherapy students.  As a teacher and workshop leader, she developed Peak Performance Workshops for students and professionals in the field of sports, healthcare, academics, and business.


     After returning to Texas from California, Patti continued to pursue her passion as a student of metaphysics and received a Masters Degree in Metaphysical Sciences from the University of Metaphysical Sciences in Arcata, CA along with her Ministerial Degree and ordination.  As she continued to pursue deeper spiritual truths, she discovered the connection between our thoughts and our perception of life, ultimately concluding that our thoughts attach us to the unreal, illusory world. 


      It is our personal story that we create with our thoughts and perceptions, and come to believe, that causes all our suffering.  Everyone has their story.  The story is an illusion of the mind.  The Only Reality there is, is the


                               "HERE and NOW" PRESENT MOMENT!


A Message from Dr. Patti Gallaway


I have come to believe that, in this time of ever-changing dynamics, there is a platform for every conscious being on this planet to receive and communicate information, thoughts, ideas, inspiration, and spiritual truths. We are awakening to a new era of exploration into who we are and what our purpose is in the unfolding of the Universe. We are all participants in this new evolution, and we each play a part in disseminating and distributing the new knowledge that is awakening this planet.


       This knowledge is not really new... only to us. It is already here and has been since the beginning of time. As we discover more of the secrets of the Universe, it is up to us to “wake up” and change our way of thinking, believing, and behaving. Change is the most difficult task of all to accept and incorporate into our daily lives.  We are “creatures of habit”.  Change requires work.  It requires trust. Yet, if we do not see the importance of change, we will be left behind.


       It is uncomfortable but extremely necessary that we understand the mental and physical benefits of accepting these new paradigms in health, education, business, medicine, and politics. Only then can we grow spiritually and accept the Truth of our Being, We Are Spiritual Beings Living a Human Experience.


      Many of our fellow human beings are choosing to opt out of life.  Many are choosing to take human life in order to justify the injustices in the world. When we reach out to life, when we offer love, forgiveness, recognition and appreciation to those who feel lost, those who have health challenges, or are hurting in other areas of their lives, we give unto ourselves those same gifts. “Whatsoever you do unto others, you do so unto Me”. There is great reward in reaching out, giving to others, offering a helping hand. It fills the well and allows the flow of giving and receiving.


       I feel it is my part to contribute to the wellspring, to share information, to offer hope and guidance to anyone who reaches out. My prayer is that this effort will inspire others as I join those already making a difference with their time, with their information, their compassion, and reaching out with a helping hand.



I hope to inspire you to join me on this platform, to share your valuable insights and offer your pearls of wisdom as we walk into a new understanding of life, love, and happiness.


       To learn about my work and how hypnosis can be a valuable tool for change, please go to our page "Hypnotherapy" for a full explanation and understanding of the function of the conscious mind and the subconscious mind and what makes hypnosis so powerful and effective for creating change.

HYPNO    Dynamics

The Inner Workout

305 So.  Broadway Ave, Suite 1002

(Austin Bank Bldg.)

Tyler TX 75702

Tel. 512-940-9219  I  Email:

Call for a Free Consultation​


**also at Yama Yoga Studio

29957 State Hwy 64

Canton TX 75103


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